Journal Entry #1

Journal Entry for Thursday, July 7th, 2022
Written on Friday, July 8th

I am glad to have reached yet another lady day of the workweek. I’m looking forward to the EID holidays on Monday and Tuesday. I want to do aggressive reading and cool resting then.
Yesterday, something made me angry. I have worked very hard in the past three weeks setting questions for Biology and Basic Science for all the students at the secondary school where I teach. So I was super infuriated when my head of department gave me a job I considered ridiculous and borderline slavish. Because of this, I became tense and harsh towards everyone that approached me during that period.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long for me to get over it by doing a quick step 4. I am afraid of what people will think of me if I don’t get up to a second class upper in my University’s Bachelor of Science Education certificate. I owe amends to Joshua for being harsh to him when I was angry. I have learnt to be kind regardless of how I feel. I also have to constantly ask myself what I can add to the stream of life daily.

I have spent an average of ₦3,500 daily for the past three days. I have to reduce my spending drastically. Yesterday, I spent ₦2,700 approximately. I also need to read the current affairs booklet I bought.

I have to give Joshua a new pen as part of my amends. If I don’t do so, I risk my sobriety. I was honored by my boss when he asked me to assess a prospective science teacher. I’m yet to submit my report.

Finally, I finished two huge projects yesterday – marked 20 notes and finished re-editing the marking schemes for the third term examination of SS1 and SS2 students. I’m so proud of myself.

Thanks for letting me share.

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